A silver Toyota sedan, possibly a Prius, appeared to be charred in the front yard of the two-story home, in the 23100 block of Park Contessa (map), aerial video showed.
Firefighters could be seen cutting a hole in the roof of the home, which looked completely destroyed.
Crews continued to spray a steady stream of water on the roof as dark smoke poured out, aerial video showed.
It appeared that the car, which belonged to a neighbor, somehow rolled down the driveway, out into the street and over a sidewalk where it hit the gas meter, fire officials at the scene said
The impact caused an explosion so powerful that it blew the home’s garage doors 150 feet down the street.
One neighbor said it sounded like a plane crash.
She ran outside and was frightened by what she saw.
“Plumes, black plumes coming up all over the place,” said Madeleine Long.
Neighbor Brice Beisswanger also heard the explosion and ran to see if he could help.
“Me and one of the gardeners actually ran into the backyard,” Beisswanger said. “We were yelling in the back to see if anyone was in there.”
The family of five that lived at the location was not home at the time.
Firefighters could be seen cutting a hole in the roof of the home, which looked completely destroyed.
For more information, contact Chivaroli Premier.