While many of us welcome our furry family friends into our homes with nothing but love and unconditional attention, there are many dog owners who fail to properly train their dogs which result in tragic outcomes. Many are unaware of how common dog bites are in our country. Without proper training of dogs and thorough education to our children and house guests, dog bites will continue to rise in numbers. Many assume that dog bites only occur with certain breeds, however, this is not true. Any dog can bite, depending on the situation and how well or poorly the dog was trained. Compiled is a list of the amount of dog bite claims were filed in 15 states last year including how much was spent in liability claims. Prevent a tragic situation and properly train your furry friend while educating any guests that enter your home and your children.
15 States with the most Dog Bite Claims (Numbers are from 2013 Records)
- California with 449 dog bite claims, $14.7 million paid
- Illinois with 309 dog bite claims, $8.9 million paid
- Ohio with 221 dog bite claims, $4.2 million paid
- Texas with 207 dog bite claims, $4 million paid
- Pennsylvania with 180 dog bite claims, $5.8 million paid
- Michigan with 162 dog bite claims, $3.9 million paid
- New York with 149 dog bite claims, $6.4 million paid
- Indiana with 146 dog bite claims, $3.5 million paid
- Minnesota with 120 dog bite claims, $4 million paid
- Georgia with 106 dog bite claims, $2.1 million paid
- Arizona with 105 dog bite claims, $2.8 million paid
- Florida with 93 dog bite claims, $5.5 million paid
- Oregon with 91 dog bite claims, $1.4 million paid
- Missouri with 88 dog bite claims, $2 million paid
- New Jersey with 86 dog bite claims, $4.3 million paid
Chivaroli has been addressing the insurance and risk management needs of its customers for over 20 years. We understand the importance of protecting your most important asset – yourself. Contact us today for any questions you may have on dog bite liabilities and how your pet may affect your insurance policy.