Self-driving cars are already on the road and it won’t be long until the roads will be flooded with them.
Some estimates show that 25 percent of all cars sold will be self-driving by 2030.
California regulators have proposed banning the term “autopilot” from advertising, which Tesla uses in its marketing.
The California Department of Motor Vehicles has expressed concerns over the limitations of driverless technology, according to the L.A. Times. Drivers should still monitor and be an active part of the process, the DMV asserted.
However, the technology could mean savings for some.
The cost of insuring autonomous cars is expected to cost less than ones driven by people. However, companies are likely to wait to reduce premiums until there is clear data on accident rates.
Statistics show that self-driving cars are safer than those driven by humans. Accidents could be reduced by as much as 80 percent in self-driving cars, according to the Insurance Information Institute.